[Git] The free service the best repository

♠ Posted by NN TRUNG at 18:10
Otherwise it comes to DIY a repository server, then perhaps the plan to use the service for the Git repository is to create the most optimal interface for ease of use, ease of manipulation that could assist the private type repository (private storage) for unlisted your source code.
Here are some repository services with free choice of using the best you should use the past, including Github already familiar to many people.

1. Github

This service (which can be called a social network for programmers) probably almost over because you all know the popularity of it. With the free account, you can create a public repository and use format. Also, you can see the other person in the repository of Explore with lot code or unique, it is considered the distinctions of Github as many people involved in this is not only to use Git either.

2. Bitbucket

If you need Git server for a group of less than 5 people working together, you can be free to use at Bitbucket permanently. Because free account here you'll be right to create unlimited private repositories, but will be limited to 5 members access to private repositories.
Bitbucket features in almost complete for the need to use Git, and even Thachpham.com also been used Bitbucket in upgrading its website so very pleased.

3. Assembla

While Github and Bitbucket will free unlimited repository created but Assembla 2 repository is limited at free accounts, but if you should choose to add FTP / SFTP to send data to the repository, it is selected Assembla choose for you. And all repository created from Assembla are private.


Only 3 above only option I think is more than enough for you and that most are now used most is still Github or Bitbucket. You also assured that all Git Repository services are using the same, if other just using limits for each type of account.
In future articles, as well as post of the series, I will guide you how to create a Repository Server on Linux servers to use your own completely comfortable and secure.

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